
These are my university and personal projects

Raiden by MODVelop

Wizard’s power

Zoo Pinball

D&D: Wrath Of Silumgar


Alita: Unbreakable Warrior

Alita: Unbreakable Warrior

Audio programmer and Level programmer

Action RPG game based on the universe of GUNMM made during the Project 3 subject. The game was fully made using our own made Game Engine.
18 members team.
Game description:
Alita: Unbreakable Warrior is an RPG action game that will let you play as Alita, a female cyborg, as you explore the world and encounter a wide variety of enemies through different scenarios. The events in the game follow the story of the movie Alita: Battle Angel.



Manager, programmer and designer

AI based game made during the Artificial Intelligence subject. The game was made using Unity3D and NodeCanvas..
In collaboration with Sergio Gómez.
Game description:
You play the roll of a zombie commander and you must build different buildings to organize your troops and end with the military forces that are the last defensive forces of the humans.


D&D: Wrath Of Silumgar

Responsible of QA and programmer

RPG game made during the Project 2 subject. The game was fully made in C++ using SDL.
7 members team.
Game description:
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Silumgar is a RPG with a turn-based combat. The game have items to equip and every character have their own abilities.
The objective of the game is to save Allarad from Usollip, the god of war who want to get fun of chaos.
The player will move in a map taking decisions and facing against enemies on consequence of this decision.


Zoo Pinball


Recreation of the game Zoo Pinball made during the Physics 2 subject. The game was fully made in C++ using SDL and Box2D.
In collaboration with Victor Tirado.
Game description:
It's a simulation of a pinball machine, where the objective is to obtain the maximum amount of points before losing the three balls.


Wizard’s power

Manager, programmer and designer

A 2D platformer game made during the Game Development subject. The game was fully made in C++ using SDL.
In collaboration with Victor Tirado.
Game description:
In this game the player controlls a powerful wizards during two levels with the objective of defetting a dragon that is attacking the city. During both levels the player will be able to obtain grimoires that will unlock new abilities or upgrade the ones he already has.


Raiden by MODVelop

Responsible of QA and programmer

Recreation of the arcade game Raiden made during the Project 1 subject. The game was fully made in C++ using SDL.
4 members team.
Game Description:
The game consist of eight vertical scrolling missions (only recreated the second mission) where the player controls the Raiden craft to destroy the enemies. There are powerups like bombs and missiles as well as medals.